Hey Girls!! Life is getting crazy again. A new semester at Chapman has started. Four more Spec Ed classes for me...IEP's & Assessments, Profession of Special Education, Transitions, and Moderate/Severe Strategies. Once this semester is over, i will have 1 more class and my student teaching to do and i'll have my credential! I'm on track to graduate with my masters in Spring 2012. I can't wait!!
So the focus inevidibly has had to shift...books instead of velvet trim and hot glue. ((insert sad face)) But i did finally decide on doing a boutique/vendor event this Spring...and i'm happy to announce that i will be a vendor at Kim Caldwell's Moulin Rouge in March!! This event happens to bring all of the craftiest and stylish people from accross the US together in one place for a creative long weekend. I know it promises to be fantastic...so i knew i had to get my you know what together and create some fabulous pieces for the market soiree.
Here is a peak at my third series of precious nut cup wonderlands...which will be for sale exclusively at Moulin Rouge!! Bunnies are on parade!!
And of course, i made a few featuring those sweet spring children gather posies in a flowery wonderland...
Are you going to the Moulin Rouge market soiree??! I hope so!
These are so precious. I LOOOVE them all. Those bunnies!! WOW!! You are so talented Candice. Good luck this school year. You will be successful!!
Posted by: sonia audelo | February 06, 2011 at 02:10 PM
I'm a Para Ed. in a transitions room. Crazy, stressful, rewarding. IEP's, Egads. In Nebraska I think the special Ed. rule is over 400 pages, In Cali. I don't even want to think about it. God bless you as you finish up your studies. Judi In Wahoo
Posted by: Judi Storm | February 06, 2011 at 06:00 PM
These are SO darling Candice! I will have to link your post to the girls. They are going to go a bit wild!!
Posted by: Kim Caldwell | February 06, 2011 at 08:08 PM
omg! those bunnies are soooo cute. they are something you'd want to save forever. love, love, love them.
Posted by: [email protected] | February 08, 2011 at 10:09 AM
see you there! love your bunnie!
Posted by: denise hahn | February 14, 2011 at 10:26 AM
Ian going to be there can't wait to meet you!
Posted by: Pinkie DeNIse | February 15, 2011 at 07:15 AM