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February 06, 2011


These are so precious. I LOOOVE them all. Those bunnies!! WOW!! You are so talented Candice. Good luck this school year. You will be successful!!

I'm a Para Ed. in a transitions room. Crazy, stressful, rewarding. IEP's, Egads. In Nebraska I think the special Ed. rule is over 400 pages, In Cali. I don't even want to think about it. God bless you as you finish up your studies. Judi In Wahoo

These are SO darling Candice! I will have to link your post to the girls. They are going to go a bit wild!!



omg! those bunnies are soooo cute. they are something you'd want to save forever. love, love, love them.

see you there! love your bunnie!

Ian going to be there can't wait to meet you!

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