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January 10, 2011


As usual... LOVE LOVE LOVE you layouts... thanks for sharing

Nicely done! Great to see you and talk this weekend. I am so glad that you are following something that you are so passionate about. You will really make a difference in many lives.

Everything you create makes me so happy! So cheerful and fun!!

you guys look adorable!! :)

Wishing you a Happy Happy 2011!!

xoxo Jenny

love your
style, candice!
i have to say...
when i met
you at silver bella,
i thought you were
like 22 years old...
so that would mean
you were 15 when
you got married!!!!

How cute is Rory with his tie tucked in? So sweet. . .



Your scrapbook pages are so pretty and inspirational, Candice! The carrot cakes looks so yummy & congrats on your 7th anniversary.

Love carrot cake and anniversaries! (Did I spell that right? LOL)

Thank you tons for posting your pages. I love seeing them. I love your style, the blend of old and new and all types of products! So beautiful and crazy fun! I envy you your great stash.

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