I don't feel worthy! I had such a blast today with all of my new and old friends. We started out giggling and creating layouts and finished the day gushing over our vintage easter banners...all while snacking away on some DELICIOUS cupcakes. Were those cupcakes not the best???!!!! I can't wait to share with you some seeerrriiiooouuusssllly adorable gifts i received...sooo so cute. Like i said, i am not worthy!! Thank you all so much for such a fabulous day. And thank you Camille and staff at Ever After for making me feel so welcome! I had SUCH a great time. :-)
Be back tomorrow with some pics. I'm off to watch tv for the night. I LOVE quiet Saturday nights at home, especially after a perfect day with friends. TTFN
Candice I had such a blast today! You are an amazingly creative and gifted artist! I so wish I could have stayed for the second class! Thank you for such a fun class. I love all three of my layouts and can't wait to continue with my treasure chest of vintage photos, something until your class had seemed to overwhelming to tackle. I can't wait to take another class with you in the future! Please come back to Ever After soon!
Posted by: Sheila Jeaux | February 24, 2008 at 12:28 AM
Can I just say DITTO to everything Sheila said!! I had such a blast and love the layouts!! Your creativity just blows me away!!... please come back soon!!!
Posted by: Kari | February 24, 2008 at 03:18 PM
Hey Candice-
Oh how I really wish I could have been there.... I am so glad that you had a great time. Isn't it wonderful to be with a group of girls and just sit, cut, glue, glitter and talk! Ah........ I just love it! I can't wait for the opening of your shop. Take Care.
Posted by: Becky Caldwell | February 24, 2008 at 06:01 PM
I'm so glad I was lucky enough to take both classes. I had such a blast! And the cupcake was so yummy, too pretty to eat but how could you not, hee hee.
Posted by: Susan Shintaku | February 25, 2008 at 11:20 AM
Candice, You were wonderful and so was your mom. Can't wait to get my "lucky girl" kit (but sad I couldn't make it). Hope to see you soon!
Posted by: Shana | February 25, 2008 at 08:59 PM
Hi Candice! Sorry I am posting so late. I have been busy packing my Mothers belongings. I just wanted to say I had a great time with you, your Mom, and the class at Ever After 2/23/08. I have some great black and white photos of my Mothers that will go nicely on the layouts we made in the class. Looking forward to your opening on the 15th. I could sure use a cupcake about now!!
Posted by: Candyce Bright | March 02, 2008 at 07:26 PM